Jul 11, 2020



Jun 14, 2020

Refutation of an Article on Shuffling in TCG

Months ago I came across an article on the methods of shuffling cards in TCG tournaments. Given limited time in a match, the author, hyakkoTCG@hyakko_tcg sought a way to mix a deck thoroughly by shuffling three times. However, at least to me, it is obvious that the methodology proposed is fundamentally flawed. Later I found out in surprise that the article was widely disseminated: it got 2.3k retweets and 3.1k likes on twitter. It also began to spread on Weibo, so I wrote a short refutation in Chinese immediately. Though it was a bit late, I still decided to write another one in English so that I can send it to Hyakko.

Jun 8, 2020


Last Updated on Jul 19, 2020


本系列起始于 2019 年夏天, 目的是记录自己学习厨艺的过程, 尽量把烹饪流程拆分成原子操作, 并探究其原理. 不过因为实践的次数极少所以进展龟速, 另外原理部分我是外行, 全靠查资料, 这进一步拖慢了进度. 姑且先发出来之后慢慢填坑.

Jun 3, 2020


要求 , 其中 , . 先不妨假设 , 基本想法是
很容易写出时间复杂度 的递归算法, 而要写迭代算法需要再想一想.

Jan 15, 2020


Master Theorem
where , are constants and is nonnegative. Then
  1. If for some constant , then .
  2. If , then .
  3. If for some constant , and if for some constant and all sufficiently large , then .