Jan 15, 2020


Master Theorem
where , are constants and is nonnegative. Then
  1. If for some constant , then .
  2. If , then .
  3. If for some constant , and if for some constant and all sufficiently large , then .

Jan 8, 2020

在 TeXworks 中自定义代码补全

因为 TeXworks 用了太多年, 不太想换 IDE, 还是继续用了.
参考 官方文档.
文件地址: TeXworks 菜单栏的 "帮助" -> "TeXworks 配置与资源" -> "资源" -> "completion" 文件夹 -> "tw-latex.txt" 文件.


The <alias>:= part can be omitted to turn the code text into its own alias. <text> must fit in a single line. Empty lines and lines starting with a % are ignored.
第一句话的意思是, 单纯写 blahblah 相当于 blahblah:=blahblah.
<text> 中连续的空格是有效的.
  • #RET# 表示 return, 换行.
  • #INS# 表示 insert, 光标会被放置在此处.
  • bullet 是 placeholder, 使用 <Ctrl>+<Tab> 让光标移动到下一个占位符处.